The America we knew is gone, relegated to the dustbin of History.

WE are now as the Italians are to the ancient Roman Empire.

We are barely a shadow of what we once were.

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Yea… the original draft of this was much more somber, but I try and not black pill

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Truth is never a black pill.

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"There's no such thing as whitepilled & blackpilled. We're imperfect men with imperfect information, imperfect desires, & imperfect plans. And then we go from there.

The Stockdale Paradox will make or break many men in what is soon to arrive." (Woe)


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Our story is similar to yours, sharing in the triumphs and sorrows of building a nation with hands, axes, hoe's and shed blood.

We are the "somewheres" who pledged allegiance and stood, hand over heart, when the anthem played as Old Glory was raised.

Some fought and died wearing gray; others while wearing blue, or brown or green in now familiar, but then unknown, places.

We, whose people earned the right to be called "Americans", are ignored and ridiculed as deplorables.

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Beautifully put. I’m still trying to figure out exactly what to do with this realization.

I want to stay and fight, but sometimes I think it might be best to start over.

But it’s hard to leave when your family has been here since the beginning.

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Who was executed?

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I fixed it. It was my 9th great-grandfather

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Good piece. FWIW, I'm a Southerner, not an American. The Americans can have that name, along with their stars and stripes and that horrible anthem and other symbols of their shitty empire. We Southerners have our own and it's high time we begin restoring them and ridding our land of the symbols of the occupier. America delenda est -- and the sooner the better -- but the South will endure.

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I tend to reject the idea of “Judeo-Christian values” as it is taking an inauthentic, perverted version of Judaism mixed with a far too liberalized Christianity. That said, I do think there is an Old Testament idea that is somewhat relevant to this article.

The "Yovel" / Jubilee year was practiced in First Temple Era in Ancient Israel. These rules come directly from Leviticus where all land is returned to the original (tribal or familial inheritors) owners and all slaves are freed. Putting aside the second point I think an idea of a Jubilee of the land is interesting. There were even different rules for farms, small towns (suburbs), and cities. Namely, the rural lands and homesteads in villages were returned to the original owners and the houses in cities were not.

It breaks my heart to think of a generational family farm taken from Heritage Americans; it bothers me to no end see a decades long owned family’s home taken; and my sympathy continues to wane as you go into the cities and one loses a condo/apartment.

In the hyper-capitalist, government involved GAE world we live in there are all sorts of liabilities on land and homes. Mortgages, bank debts, property taxes, government fees, inheritance taxes can all strip families of their homes. How much equity in your home do you actually own? Could you and your kids withstand the next 50 years of economic trends, cycles, and shocks without liquidating your property? What legacy will be around in fifty years for your children or grandchildren? A Yovel/Jubilee would ensure such a legacy is at a minimum maintained every two generations.

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Dad’s family pre revolutionary German-Scottish from Pennsylvania. Mom’s family goes back to the Mayflower. However many of the chief enemies of America are also heritage Americans, who at some point feel in love with the idea that they would be royalty with serfs if they just didn’t have that pesky Constitution their ancestors wrote. ( Mom’s side of the family has lots of those. )

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