"When a woke Star Wars film flops, they don’t see it as a failure of their ideology; they see it as an anomaly, a sign that their ideas need to be enforced more aggressively."

For the left, their ideology is more than sacred writ. It is survival. The bulk of them have cast off self-reflection and Truth. The live lies and to question the lie is to invite Truth and if Truth shows its head, they must confront their fragmented psychology and the unreality they built their life around. This, they cannot do. It's too much. They know at some base level they will not survive; they have not mental strength enough.

They must therefore double down on their ideological push. To do anything else risks death. They are terrified of death, not having grasped the Transcendent. Any questioning of their worldview is therefor Death and utter annihilation.

So double down because the alternative is The End of All.

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The reminds me of when Jonathan Bowden said that, "To a Marxist Ideas are life!"

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I argue that, for many on the left, their ideology is identity. Question that, you question the very nature of their existence, their reason for being. Take that away, or just put it in doubt, and some haven't the ability to endure the internal chaos. They must off themselves, or worse yet, shoot up others before suicide.

Case in point: woman-leftist got into men's clothes, joined a bowling league. Her intent: to spy out the truth of how EEEeeevillll men are. After 6 months of bowling with the guys, she finally concludes their lives are shit, they get up every day as men and take the beating so they can provide for their families, and they saw precious little thanks for it all.

This destabilized her to such an extent that, after coming clean about her spying, she could not fully process the revelation. She flew to Switzerland and did the assisted-suicide which was legal there.

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Excellent article. When I watched episode 7,upon realizing the plot was the same as episode 4, I knew it was over. I’m glad this happened to some extent because it ensured I would not become a lore geek.

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in so far as its happening its more a reversion to the American mean than a new thing, at east in the case of domestic policy, our information ecosystem began to be consolidated and centralized very deeply after WW2, that along with the destruction of our old decentralized and publicly accessible mass member parties, which played an important information production and distribution role, made it so we were left with a very powerful propaganda machine, I'm not sure the internet can return us all the way since its so centralized and its content so capable of being surreptitiously manipulated

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Its what I’ve dubbed the propaganda loop. The people fed the propaganda go and make the next set, and like an AI only fed its on data, it suffers a modal collapse after enough loops.

This is not just an issue with media its also an issue with government as a whole. i’d be willing to bet three digit amounts of money that the many of the USAID people legitimately think the money is going to good causes due to too many propaganda loops.

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"When a woke Star Wars film flops, they don’t see it as a failure of their ideology; they see it as an anomaly, a sign that their ideas need to be enforced more aggressively. This feedback loop creates a disconnect between the creators of media and the broader audience, and solidifying the idea that more propaganda is needed."

These couple of sentences, the normies mind cannot comprehend, great work!

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